Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012/12/15 Saturday: Saturday is a Special Day

Pillow fight!

Such a busy day today.  It was full of great things.  Henry had a super hero themed birthday party.  At the same time, I had a baby shower to attend.  And the van wouldn't start (dead battery, think Henry left a dome light on.)  Charlotte spent a lot of the day with us and we had a great time. 
Nick went to Costco in the afternoon because we were out of everything.  I had him buy a giant box of Oreos to take as a white elephant gift to the annual Ugly Sweater Party.  I REALLY tried to find a babysitter, but never did.  Gigi had come down with a cough and runny nose, so Nick offered to stay at home with the kids and let me go.  The Oreos were popular in the gift game, and were even traded again after the game was over.  I ended up with a framed picture of my friend, in an absurd pose.  The funniest gift was a piece of Santa-themed lingerie, or perhaps the Hilary Clinton nutcracker (available at
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