Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2013/03/11 Monday: The Joker

Washing off the lipstick.  It did not come off the carpet.

My mom watched the kids while I ran to the surgical consultation for my gallbladder.  When I came home, I saw Georgia eating a tube of lipstick.  I shouted to my mother, in another room, that Gigi had gotten into her make-up.  My mom shouted back, "Again?"  So apparently we learned nothing the first time. 
The good news is that the surgeon fit me into the schedule for the following day.  When I told him my mom was already in town, he thought doing it Tuesday was a great idea.  The only downside is while I was in the consultation, Nick was selected for a jury.  He had reported for jury duty and all day it seemed like he wouldn't get picked, then as I went in to the surgeon's office Nick had to turn off his phone.  So I had though that Nick would not be selected for a jury and we should go ahead and schedule it for tomorrow.  I was wrong, he's on a jury, but it will all work out.  And I'm excited to have this little bag of rocks removed as it is causing me daily pain.
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