Monday, April 1, 2013

2013/02/10 Sunday: Flying Nowhere, Again

We were at the airport, bags checked, stroller tagged and ready to go when an opportunity arose.  Southwest was looking for one or two volunteers to bump.  Henry and I each had a seat, so if we were bumped we could both get paid to wait until tomorrow (all the flights for the next 24 hours were sold out.)  I wasn't interested in the inconvenience if they were only going to compensate me for one seat.  Then they thought they only needed one seat, but no one else would volunteer.  The flight was all adults, and looked like almost all business travelers.  The found a way to give me more credit for just one ticket, but didn't know if they would need me.  We boarded the plane, got comfy in our seats, then they called our names to get off the plane- they needed our seat.  It was worth it because I got more credit for just my seat than they had initially promised for two seats.
Comically, since our clothes were in our suitcases headed to Chicago, we had to wear the same clothes the next day.  So I washed them.  But I also washed my wallet.  And that left bits of paper all over the clothes.  So I washed them again.  And when the washer was on spin cycle, it caused a giant jug of laundry detergent to crash onto the wool carpeting and break, creating one of the biggest messes of my life.  Sorry Mom!
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