Monday, February 25, 2013

2013/01/09 Wednesday: First Class All the Way

So, after a false start yesterday, we made it onto an airplane this time. 
But do you want to know how to take the fun out of first class? Take two small kids with you.

I have a theory that if you look nice and put together, when your baby is crying people will think, "Poor baby must be having a rough day."  If you look like a wreck, they just assume you're an incompetent parent.  First class has higher standards of decorum than our usual public-bus flights on Southwest, so I stepped it up a notch.  Both kids were wearing Janie & Jack outfits from their aunt Megan.  I received a very nice shirt at Christmas from Deborah, so I wore that and make-up, and jewelry.
On other flights, I figure if people valued not sitting by a screaming baby, they could fly first class instead, but here I had no excuse so we better all be well behaved.

The kids liked the electronics, and the extra room.  Henry did not care for the in-flight meal, and ate the peanut butter & jelly sandwich I had packed instead.

Jo Ellen even found a few minutes to read, and the reclining chairs were great for the kids' naps.  There are only two seats on each row, so Jo Ellen sat on the row behind us.  It is a surprising amount of leg room.  I couldn't touch the seat in front of us when I tried.

I was worried how the kids would do, but I think things went pretty well.  As we were getting off the plane, a couple complimented how well-behaved the kids had been.  Another couple told us the same thing at luggage claim.  It is work to keep the kids entertained and occupied, so I can only imagine how relaxing flying this way would be for the average adult traveling without small children.

As we left the airport there was a beautiful rainbow.  Georgia was so excited and kept pointing at it to show me.  I'll think of it as a good omen for the vacation.
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