Monday, June 2, 2014

2014/02/28 Friday: Deborah's Visit

I don't have pictures of this for some reason, but Deborah's visit started today.  Nick's mom came to spend a long weekend with us.  I picked her up at the airport, and then called Nick.  Our plan was that if things were slow (trauma-wise) at the hospital, we would come and eat with him.  Maybe it was yesterday's 7 degree high, or perhaps it was just good luck, but things were slow.  The kids and I enjoyed seeing their dad at work and spending time with their grandmother.  Nick gets a cafeteria allowance that he usually doesn't use all of (because he packs a healthy meal for lunch every day), so the kids got to go wild on treats.  They each got a soda and a cookie, and since it's the last day of the month and his allowance doesn't roll over, he bought a bunch of granola bars and snacks for the residents lounge.

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