Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday 5/15/12: Polar Bear Ice Cream

Henry enjoying his first Polar Bear Ice Cream of the season.

We walked to the park today, but because of sidewalk construction, we had to come home the long way which takes us dangerously close to the local ice cream shop, The Polar Bear.

It was way too warm for overalls.  I tried to put Henry in shorts.  He refuses to wear shorts and asks for "real pants."  He insisted on the overalls, but I brought the shorts with me to the park.  We met up with our preschool friends at the park.  One mother asked if anyone had any spare clothes because her child had a potty accident.  I mentally unpacked my diaper bag and knew I didn't have anything in there that would help.  For several minutes, I completely forgot about the shorts in my pocket, and when the moment of realization came, I felt so silly.  How do you forget you're walking around with pants in your pocket?  It all worked out, they were able to change the child's pants and stay at the party, Henry was able to continue wearing his "real pants," and everyone had a great time.
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