Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday 8/30/11: First Bumbo Sitting

My mom left this morning. Henry cried and tried to go with her. Very
sad and sweet. He's asked "where's Grandma?" several times.
Still, today has been a good day. I finally got the minivan back after
nearly two weeks at the body shop, our new couch came and they
actually got it inside the house this time, Nick got home early and we
made romesco sauce from our garden tomatoes and pesto with our basil.
We dirtied lots of dishes, but as I wash them I can take solace in the
fact that we expect to have a dishwasher in a few weeks. We got a
price from the contractor today and gave him the green light to put a
built-in dishwasher in our kitchen.


Leave a comment. I'm desperate for the attention.